This is a message the Lord gave to Brother Hosanna David. It is a message to the Church and pastors about witchcraft. Here is the message below: “Tell Christians that witchcraft has eaten so deep into humanity. Remind them that practicing witchcraft is still an abominable act to Me. Even if the whole world embraces witchcraft My standard will not change. All witches and wizards, including all those who consult sorcerers or practice witchcraft shall have their part in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8). I am a holy God, My standard will not change.”
Salvation is free but all those who are saved do not have the same rewards in Heaven. There is difference between salvation and rewards. In this teaching Brother Hosanna David explains in details some factors that determine of our rewards. Here are they listed below:
1. Assignment on Earth
2. Your services to God
3. Faithfulness to keeping and teaching God’s laws
4. Evangelism
5. Financial contributions to the Kingdom of God
6. Use of spiritual gifts to serve the Church and humanity.