There are no signs left for the rapture of the Saints to take place. There’s need to be watchful. The Day of the Lord will be terrible for those who are not saved in Christ Jesus. This is the time to reconcile with God so that rejoicing will be our portion when that Day comes.
Who is in charge of the world right now? Who rules this world, God or Satan? This is the question many people ask. A good understanding of who rules the world will empower us to live a victorious life.
God is the Creator of all, and He is the source of all authority. He gave man dominion over all created things on Earth. After man rebelled, he lost the dominion. For man to be able to resist the Devil he must submit to God. You are either submissive to God or to the Devil because there are only two kingdoms. You can’t belong to two of the kingdoms at the same time. The one who has submitted to the government of God becomes fire to the kingdom of darkness.
In a world where everyone does whatsoever they like, a world that is plagued by different levels of human wickedness and natural disasters, many are beginning to question the existence of God. Some wonder if the world has outgrown God’s control. Many Christians wonder if God is still in charge of their lives, seeing the troubles they are facing but yet to seeing the miraculous move of God. The Bible provides the best answers to all these questions and seemingly confusing situations.
The end of the world that was prophesied in the Old Testament Books of the Prophets is now. We are already seeing the end time signs everywhere. Now we need to live circumspectly as wise and expectant citizens of the Kingdom of God. This message is a wakeup call to watchfulness and readiness.