Text: Gen. 1:1; Jeremiah 32:17.


– to teach God’s almightiness in creation and His immortality, and

– to show us how we can share in God’s immortal and creative power.


Immortality is one of the attributes of the Triune God, and it means the state of not being liable to or subject to death. God lives forever and can never die. The scriptures affirm Him to be the Creator of heaven and earth, contrary to the claims of some scientists and atheists. How the immortal God created heaven and earth and continues to govern and sustain them is what we shall see in this study.

Study Guide

What do you understand by the phrases, “Immortal God” and “Creator”? How is God described in – 1Tim. 1:17; 1Tim. 6:16; Rev 4:11?Explain the almightiness of God in Josh 10:12-13; Acts 12:21-24How can man share in God’s immortal and creative power? Psalm 24:1-4; John 14:12-13.ConclusionThere is no sustainable argument against the affirmation in the Bible that the immortal God is the Creator of heaven and earth. Indeed, He has gone further to make man in His own image and demonstrate how we can share in this awesome power – through faith in Christ!

Food for Thought

God, the Immortal, invisible and the only wise.

Memory Verse

1Tim. 1:17 “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God Who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen”.

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