Jesus Christ is coming back soon! It's time to get ready!

Welcome to the official website of Brother Hosanna David. We encourage you to listen to sermons and also download as much as you are led. Feed on the Word of God.

End time is upon us

“Behold I come quickly”

Jesus Christ is coming back so soon and there is every need to make urgent preparation for His coming. If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ please do not hesitate to contact us for counseling and prayers.


Called Unto Holiness | Brother Hosanna David

This message is a continuation of the previous message titled “You Must Be Holy”. We are not just forgiven and washed from our sins but we are now Saints, members of the body of Christ. We are a holy nation, the called out who are set apart from the world. We are...

You Must Be Holy | Brother Hosanna David

A lot of people treat the matter of holiness as an expired topic or as an optional thing. This is not true. Holiness is a command from God. It is the nature of Saints, which is what we become when we get born again.

Come Out of Her My People | Brother Hosanna David

Before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah He removed the righteous first. Before He destroyed the first world, He preserved Noah and his family because they were righteous. Before God destroyed the city of Jericho He preserved the only woman who believed, Rahab and her...


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