Forced COVID-19 Vaccination warning Visions
This is a message that the Lord gave me for someone in Canada. It came as a personal message to the person but it is a message that concerns others. I am sharing this message with everyone because it is applicable to other Christians in Canada and other parts of the world where covid-19 vaccine will be administered or is being administered already. I was in a vision I saw a Christian woman and I heard the voice of the LORD telling her to cleanse herself. He said trouble is about breaking out in Canada. The type of trouble was not mentioned but I understood it to be the globalists’ agenda of digitalizing all humans and merging us with machines. As a result of the trouble that is coming, God wants to strengthen the Christians that are in the affected areas by releasing His Holy Spirit upon them. The Holy Spirit is to empower them so that they can be empowered to stand strong in their faith. This is the reason the Christian sister was asked to cleanse herself. Again I heard a voice answering a question. The question is, “what if I can’t cope with the persecutions because I don’t want to compromise?” THE voice of LORD said, “Then move out of that environment if you can’t cope.” Some days ago I saw someone in a vision moving from his country towards Africa but he wasn’t sure of his destination. I understood that he wasn’t moving to any particular state or town but was just moving out, being uncertain about his destination. He was moving out because of the COVID-19 agenda. The Holy Spirit told me that those who do not want to be vaccinated yet can’t fight back should move out. Again, this new year I saw a Pastor who was very vocal during the first lockdown. He was told that mandatory vaccination has started. He paused for a while and then thought about it. Then I saw him in the vision flying Christians who refused to be vaccinated from Western countries to Africa for safety. They were all white people. There was no black person in their midst.
Original post link: www.eagleeyeopener.com/forced-covid-19-vaccination-warning-visions/