Jesus, The Head of All Principality and Power | Brother Hosanna David

Jesus, The Head of All Principality and Power | Brother Hosanna David

Are you among those who are confused about the power Satan wields in this world? Do you wonder why God allows him to carry out his destructive works in the world, yet God seems to be silent? This message answers your question. Jesus Christ is the head of all principality and power but He allows Satan to operate within an apportioned limits.

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Submit to God, Resist the Devil | Brother Hosanna David

Submit to God, Resist the Devil | Brother Hosanna David

God is the Creator of all, and He is the source of all authority. He gave man dominion over all created things on Earth. After man rebelled, he lost the dominion. For man to be able to resist the Devil he must submit to God. You are either submissive to God or to the Devil because there are only two kingdoms. You can’t belong to two of the kingdoms at the same time. The one who has submitted to the government of God becomes fire to the kingdom of darkness.

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Enthrone God’s Will Over Your Life | Brother Hosanna David

Enthrone God’s Will Over Your Life | Brother Hosanna David

Man was created as a rational being with an independent will. This was because man was created to have dominion over all the earth and all that dwell on the earth, hence the ability to make decisions for himself. Satan capitalized on this gift of free will and tricked man to rebel against God. As believers we need to enthrone God’s ultimate will over our lives and carry out His biddings. If Jesus becomes your Saviour let Him also be your Lord too. There are uncountable blessings if we do.

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Hindrances to Getting Anointed: Spiritual Possession | Brother Hosanna David

Hindrances to Getting Anointed: Spiritual Possession | Brother Hosanna David

Today’s message is focused on spiritual uncleanness, which is one of the hindrances to getting anointed. We narrow today’s message down to spiritual possession. How does spiritual possession hinder a Christian from getting anointed? How does one get involved in spiritual uncleanness and possession? These are some of the questions answered in this message. Kindly watch and share with others. Please try to watch the past messages of this series.

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